This is the official
website of the Constitution Party of Virginia.
CPV Members Begin Signature Drive
February 23, 2021
If you support the Constitutions of the United
States and support the rule of law, please
consider helping us with our signature
The Constitution Party
of Virginia is seeking to place Timothy Clate Phipps
I on the ballot for Governor, Sheila (Samm) Tittle
on the ballot for Lieutenant Governor, and David
Adam McKelvey on the ballot for Attorney
General. These candidates will support our
constitutions and the rule of law. If you
think you would like to help one or more of our
candidates to be on the ballot, please go to the
Elections page for more information. |
Chairman Bloom Calls for Witnesses at
Impeachment Trial
February 3, 2021
Constitution Party of Virginia Chairman John
Bloom says the first impeachment trial of Donald
Trump was a sham and a disgrace, and now calls for
Donald's second impeachment trial to include
witnesses, foremost among them should be Former
Vice-President Mike Pence. See Press Release.
Chairman Bloom Commends Former Vice President
January 25, 2021
Chairman John Bloom issued a press release and
wrote a letter to the editor describing Former
Vice President Mike Pence as a hero for honoring
his oath of office and upholding the Constitution
for his actions on January 6. Vice-President Pence
followed the mandate of the Constitution in
counting the electoral votes as submitted by state
authorities despite considerable pressure to the
contrary. See Press Release.
Chairman Bloom Calls for Expelling Members of
January 19, 2021
Chairman John Bloom says it is time to clean
house and remove all traitors to the Constitution
of the United States from both chambers of
Congress, The House of Representatives and the US
Senate in accordance with Article I, Section V of
the Constitution. Their actions far excede
"disorderly behavior," it amounts to treason. See
press release.
CPV Members Push to Remove Signature
January 18, 2021
On Saturday January 16, Chairman John Bloom and
Party Member Michael Uenking held a conference
call with Delegate Shelly Simonds of the 94th
District, representing much of the city of Newport
News. John labeled the meeting a success.
Their objective was to
get emergency legislation passed which would waive
signature requirements for candidates running for
office during the Covid-19 pandemic. Though the
deadline for submitting new legislation has passed,
her positions on the Privileges and Elections, and
Public Safety Committees would help her to add a
runner to an election or Covid-19 bill to suspend
the signature requirements during the pandemic.
Additionally, Delegate Simonds is a proponent of
ranked choice voting. If this voting method were
adopted it would allow a voter to vote for his/her
favorite candidate without feeling their vote was
spent on a candidate that had no chance of
winning. It would also remove the spoiler effect
where two favorite candidates would pull votes
from each other leaving a less popular candidate
with the win.
Republicans Now the Party of Traitors
January 13, 2021
Chairman John Bloom calls for members of Congress
who were involved in drawing the mob to DC that
invaded the Capital to be charged with involuntary
manslaughter and treason. He urges Republicans who
are upset by Donald Trump's election debacle and
the cowardice of various Republicans in Congress,
to leave the party of traitors and join the
Constitution Party of Virginia. See press release.
Chairman Bloom Looks for Swift Impeachment Trial
in the Senate
January 8, 2021
Chairman John Bloom urged the House of
Representatives to impeach Donald Trump, the
Senate to have a swift trial, Congress to bar him
from running again for Federal Office, Congress to
impeach members who opposed the counting of
electoral votes, The FBI to investigate everyone
who stormed the Capital Building, and Virginians
to join the Constitution Party of Virginia. See
press release.
The Devil Went Down to Georgia
December 7, 2020
Chairman John Bloom issued comments on Donald
Trumps recent trip to Georgia. He called
attention to President Trump's failure to win in
Georgia. John asserts that Donald Trump has
corrupted the moral character of the American
People and calls for rebuilding the Reagan
Coalition. See press release.
Chairman Bloom Urges Signing of New Declaration
of Independence
December 5, 2020
Chairman of the Constitution Party of Virginia
John Bloom is urging people to review the American
Liberation website and sign the New Declaration of
Independence that is found there. John already
signed it.
Chairman Bloom Urges Conference Attendance
November 26, 2020
Chairman Bloom Encourages Virginia Supporters of
the Constitution Party of Virginia to attend the
Independent National Union Conference to be held
in Washington, DC from December 1 to December 6,
2020. The INU hopes to unite parties and
independents in opposition to the two-party
system. See press release.
Time to Separate from the Party of Trump
November 23, 2020
Chairman John Bloom invites Reagan Republicans
living in Virginia to leave the Republican Party
to join the Constitution Party of Virginia. This
party can bring Never Trumpers, Independents, and
Reagan Democrats together. See press release.
Quadrennial Convention Returns Results
November 15, 2020
The Constitution Party of Virginia held its first
Quadrennial State Convention, since the 2017
reorganization, on Saturday November 14.
Following a talk by Michael Maibach of Save Our
States in defense of the Electoral College,
elections were held for officers and candidates.
Timothy Phipps,
who goes by the nickname TC Country, of
Fredericksburg ran unopposed and was nominated for
Governor of Virginia.
Paul Provance of Burke, and Treasurer, ran against
incumbent John Bloom of Newport News for
Chairman. John Bloom prevailed by a vote of
eight votes to five.
Annabeth Goss of Marshall ran against TC Country of
Fredericksburg for Treasurer. TC Country
prevailed by eight votes to five.
Running unopposed, Sheila (Samm) Tittle of
Fredericksburg was elected Vice-Chairman.
James Trent Corbett of Chester was elected
Secretary. TC Country was elected First
Congressional District (CD) Representative.
Sabrina Bloodworth of Emporia was elected Fourth CD
Representative. George Scott of Freeman was
elected Fifth CD Representative. Ryan McCarthy
of Spotsylvania was elected Seventh CD
Representative. And, Sammy Qabazard of Fairfax
County was elected Eighth CD Representative.
Take a Break:
Listen to this inspirational video and
then come right back.
CP Chairman Bloom Attends Alternate Conference
February 29, 2020
John Bloom attended the one day Summit on Principled
Conservatism at the National Press Club in Washington, DC.
The summits purpose was to,"Bring together principled
conservatives and grassroots activists from across the
country to discuss current challenges facing conservatism
and the principles that ought to define the future."
Chairman Bloom had his photo taken with Mindy Finn, one of
the principal organizers of the summit and Executive
Director of Stand Up Republic. John described the summit
as,"The REAL Conservative Political Action Conference."
There were over 300 people in attendance. The response was
so great that they had to up-size it to the National Press
Club and they still sold out in a day.


CP Chairman Bloom with Executive
Director Mindy Finn
A Panel Discussion at the Summit on
Principled Conservatism
Constitution Party of Virginia Members Work the Booth at
February 29, 2020
Members of the Constitution Party of Virginia worked
their booth at the Conservative Political Action Committee
(CPAC) February 26 to 28. Chairman of the Charles
Kraut for President Campaign and Treasurer of the
Constitution Party of Virginia, Paul Provance, handed out
information about Charles. Meghan Synan and Ryan
McCarthy represented the Samm Tittle for President
Campaign, making information available to
passers-bye. Chairman Bloom talked politics with
attendees and collected contact information from more than
40 interested people. We hope those people will
continue to maintain contact and will help grow the party
that's based on constitutional principles.


Meghan Synan and Ryan McCarthy hold
Samm Tittle Campaign Brochures
Paul Provance and John Bloom, stand
by information about people and groups that have
opposed the current president
Constitution Party of Virginia Members Gather Against
Gun Law Changes
January 22, 2020
Members of the Constitution Party of Virginia attended
the Virginia Citizens Defense League Lobby Day and Rally
on Martin Luther King Day. Samm Tittle, who is running for
the Constitution Party nomination for President of the
United States displayed her banner, spoke to reporters,
and to many of those attending. Chairman John Bloom
organized the Constitution Party of Virginia's gathering
at the rally where the party displayed it's presence. A
total of eight CPV members attended. Attendance at the
rally was estimated at 22,000 by the Richmond Police,
Richmond Times Dispatch said thousands, and another
estimate was 30-50 thousand.



Meghan Synan holds Samm Tittle
Campaign Sign
L-R:Meghan Synan, TC, John Bloom,
James Easterly in green, Joseph Synan
Presidential Candidate Tittle posses
with her campaign banner.
Following the rally, the group migrated to Capital Ale
House where they enjoyed lunch, talked strategy, and
planned events.



Chairman Bloom, Timothy Patric, and
Candidate Tittle enjoy lunch and plan events after
the rally.
Joseph Synan and Ryan McCarthy have
lunch at Capital Ale House after the rally.
Poster shows CPV sentiment about
Virginia proposed gun laws.
Status of the Constitution Party of Virginia
The Constitution Party of
Virginia is organizing statewide. Contact John Bloom at to get involved.
NOTE. The material and/or views found on this page and
local linked pages are not necessarily the
official views of the Constitution Party.
Copyright ©2017 Constitution Party
of VA
Phone: (757)806-8694